Crysis 2
Crysis 2
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Crysis 2
"The world has been ravaged by a series of climatic disasters and society is on the verge of total breakdown.  Now the aliens have returned, with a full invasion force bent on nothing less than the total annihilation of mankind, starting by trying to rip the heart out of Earth's most iconic city.."


I can not wait for this game!
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Crysis 2
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Crysis 2
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The Elder Scrolls 5  -  Shadow Realm?
TES V Shadow Realm???
Rumors abound, and many.
I love when a game has this much hype, Right now the prevailing rumor is that the name will be "Shadow Realm"
Some people believe that the next game may be in Summerset Isle, others believe it will be in the Black Marsh, or Skyrim.  Who knows? Maybe it will be on one of the other continents.
Little is known, as of yet.  But some things are certain, it will be an open ended, spawling, and immersive role playing game that will ooh and ahh its players.
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3
So, now that the Harbinger and the rest of the Reapers have awoken from their hibernation, the stage is set for Mass Effect 3. 

Not Much is known about Mass Effect 3 yet, but one thing is for certain. 

There will be blood.

The Mass Effect Series of games are practicaly the only games where what you do in the first game actualy carries over into the second game. Meaning if you choose the save game where...
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Crysis 2
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Max Payne 3
Crysis 2
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Max Payne 3

Looks Like we may have another classic on its way.  Hopefully filled with all the blood and mayhem that Rockstar games are known for.

The screenshot look good!

The videos look better!

Let there be blood, because I am ready for the next game!
Agent the Game
Crysis 2
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Rockstar Games says that "Agent takes players on a paranoid journey into the world of counter-intelligence, espionage and political assassinations during the height of the Cold War at the end of the 1970's."  Sounds good to me!  Only one down side, and it s biggie...

The next Rockstar Game is going to be a PS3 exclusive!

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